#Electric Tricycles
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Trending Electric Tricycles Products
Showing the most talked about #Electric Tricycles products.

Addmotor GREATTAN L is a durable electric trike with a dual battery. It features a passenger seat that can be adjusted for comfortable riding.

Addmotor GRANDTAN X offers a great electric trike with a 750W rear motor. Featured with full suspensions makes it comfort and suitable for outdoor rides.

Addmotor CITYTRI E-310 is the best electric tricycle under $200. It features cutting-edge components and high-end technology to deliver exceptional performance in every cycling experience.

Addmotor ARISETAN II M-360 is a top-notch semi-recumbent electric tricycle integrated with EB2.0 lighting system. This bike is suitable for people with a height range of 5'7"-6 '6".